Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just Me

I can be Just Me. I am lucky that I feel on most days that I can just be me. I don't have to pretend I am anything I am not. Who Am I? I am A Wife, Friend, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, A Ptient, Gardener, Artist, Jewelry Maker, Rock Carver, A blogger, an optimist, a joy rebel, a neighbor, a godmother, a daughter in law, sister in law, a child, a dreamer, a citizen, an animal lover,a cook, a housekeeper, a zookeeper to all my pets, and a Canadian. No wonder some days I am so tired, so happy, so alive!


  1. You are also one heckuva Polyvore Collage Artist ... this is sooo cool! I love this kind of look/feel ... all the texture of the furniture and surfaces ... you and I, I think, have very similar tastes!

  2. makes me happy to look at this

  3. Cool! You many hat wearin' Mama!

  4. Thanks my three faithful ladies....I could play and play all day on Polyvore Toni....and yes I think we do have similar tastes. Char glad it makes you happy...Holly I might be a many hat wearing Mama, but I can not find a hat I look good in...That is one of my goals in life. Lol


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