Friday, May 1, 2009

Rise and Shine

This morning I awoke to the chirp of the birds outside.
All in the house are asleep but me. I have always been an early riser. I love the mornings, especially after a good night sleep. It puts things in perspective for me. I realize how truly blessed I am. I can carry on today strong again.
I make the most of days that I awake with energy, not overcome by my joblist jar or jars. lol Living is more important. Every moment is a gift....just like my blogland friends.
I used to always start a job and would have to work until it is finished. Not anymore....I putter, I sit, I ponder, I plan, I do a little, I sit some more and so the cycle continues. I t takes probably 3 times as long to do things now...but that is okay! At least I am able to do. Life is a gift, sometimes you get to see it differently, especially when you slow down, and you find reason and understanding of your situation. I my friends will be outside this weekend enjoying the warm weather....may get a flowerbed or two done, then again maybe not. I will go with the flow and see what happens. Could I be more relaxed? It is great when your worries seem to fade from you....when you realize you will always get through the ups and downs. I know there are way more ups than there are downs....Life is good.


  1. That bright spot in the picture you posted? That's the same bright spot you are for everyone who reads your simple and heartfelt sentiments.

    To The Spot of Sun Here In Blogland, To Cinner, I say, Happy May Day. Happy Day.


  2. Each day is a gift, untie the ribbon...

    Have a wonderful day,

  3. again with the middle of the night posts? I worry lady.

  4. Holly, thankyou...Happy May Day to you. You are so very kind. Big Hug.

  5. Donna, yes each day really is a gift! You have a great day too. Thanks for visiting.

  6. j.s. I was up for the morning, Keep in mind i am in bed about 9 o'clock....Not to worry...I will call you soon, or you call me. Hugs.

  7. I was just reading this morning that if we are lucky, we are able to shut down at night, then when we awake we immediately get our bearings, to pick up where we left off the night before. If I am blessed with a tomorrow. I will lay in bed and listen to what the day presents me with. Maybe I will get to putter a bit, around the house.
    I love the words and your bright picture.
    One love

  8. thankyou Christina. I hope you get to putter, I did today, it was finally beautiful here. Take Care.


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