Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Special Visitor

a pic I did on Photofunia.
looking at it It makes me think of Spring and my love for flowers.
The day here was cloudy and dreary today,
I spent most of it watching movies,
I did walk on my treadmill,
and my Goddaughter was over for a sleep over.
I put a scarf on my head, big dangling  earrings,
a bunch of bracelets,  and met her at the door like that,
she had on a whole bunch of jewelry.
and her step mom said how excited she had been about coming over.
Well when Child wonder is around all art supplies come out
and tonight she got to play with oil pastels,
She drew a waterfall and flowers, mountains,
I was trying to teach her about close up and far away.
She is going to take her picture in for 
Sharing on Tuesday at school.
Oh I so love this little girl.
My kitchen table looks like a hurricane hit it.
but she liked the fact that we could wait and clean it up in the morning,
and of course no she was not tired, did not have to go to bed,
did not have huge circles under her eyes,
and wanted to know if she woke up at four am,
could she wake me up to play.
I told her we had to stay in bed until 7 am.
but then she could come wake me up.
Her big news was having gone to the Justin Beiber concert
with her Dad and her little sister.
Oh did she get excited about him.
She is only eight,
she told me she likes his singing and then said he was very cute,
I asked as cute as Wain, well then she laughed and laughed,
that he was not cute, he was old.
So Wain tickled her until she said he was a little cute.
and then the treuse was on.
She also told us that she was in looooovvvvve with Justin Beiber.
and wanted to know if we were in love,
that got us all laughing again.
Anyway it was a lovely night,
I sometimes feel I so missed out on not having children,
but maybe I would not enjoy then as much as I do now.
Besides I also love when they go home to their parents.
and our lives resume to normal.
But I wait patiently for the next little darling that comes and makes my day.
I hope today you just get to be a kid,
one that has no worries or cares,
and just enjoy and be happy.
That would be a good day.


  1. Oh what fun you had with her! You should have taken some pics of this occasion? I would have loved to meet her! I just know you have tons of "children" who come and go in your life as they need you!! And how sweet is that?

  2. ha. being a kid is a blast...and sounds like a fun time...i know all about the art explosions as my oldest loves it...cute the mixture of the photo and the live flowers...

  3. You sound like an Awesome Godmother!! She is so lucky to have you in her life!!

  4. awww, so sweet :-) so great you had a fantastic time with your Goddaughter! I understand that she was excited you are a wonderful Godmother! have a happy week ahead Cinner, hugs!

  5. Sounds like the 3 of you had a great time. I think the children in your life are very fortunate to have you.......:-) Hugs

  6. Oh, what a wonderful time you had. I love being with little children, especially four year olds. My friend has the most adorable Granddaughter who is four and sometimes she lets me borrow her. What is wonderful when they are not your children, you have more patience and you can fall into their world of imagination.


  7. Cinner - I've just found your lovely blog and am a new follower. Kids certainly can make the day, although sometimes I wish I could send mine back at the end of the day!

    xo Erin

  8. I understand what you mean about having your own children, and also that your lives resume to normal when they go home!
    Glad you had a beautiful time together! Please take pics next time!;)

  9. How wonderful! You met her at the door with a scarf on...dangling earrings, bracelet....oooooh....a girl's dream-come-true....AND I loved this:
    "... she liked the fact that we could wait and clean it up in the morning"....
    You lit up her day and night, Cindy...I just know you it seems that she did yours. Beautiful time spent together....and I hug you from here... She'll remember these times for always.


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