Monday, March 7, 2011

My Bliss

 The Weekend,
snow shoveling, snow ball fights,
soft white fluffy flakes,
melting on our faces,
tingling on our tongues
as we tried to catch some,
red rosy cheeks, barking playful dog,
neighbors saying hello,
vehicles running and warming up
as they waited for their occupants,
pigeons cooing near the warmth of the chimneys.
Deep breathing the fresh cool air,
stopping the dog from jumping over the fence
as the snow is almost as high as it.
singing and humming while we worked,
chipping ice, running inside,laughing,
hot coffee, toasted tomato and bacon sandwiches
PBS watching Victor B doing his comic piano routines,
soft music, reading the paper, shopping, visiting, phone calls,
hockey, contentment, peaceful.
How was your weekend?
Have your very Best Day!


  1. Not as fun as yours! But very relaxing. I laid around almost all weekend which I needed as I was exhausted from the week. I have to watch 2 year old grandson Jack today so I needed to gather my energy!
    Even though winter is still alive in your neck of the woods Cinner, you make it sound fun! Glad your weekend was a good one!
    Love Di ♥

  2. wow. sounds like you had a great weekend...mine was nice...up until yesterday and spent the afternoon and evening in the ER...thought i broke my foot, but only soft tissue my feet for a few days...but all is good...

  3. it was quiet and filled with good food....
    not warm enough though....go away winter, please.
    come over and enter my give need all the warm clothes you can possible get living where you live :)

  4. Hi Cinner
    I just wanted to say hello and thank you for visiting my blog. I LOVED your little yellow duck story :D

    Your blog is lovely--so happy and cheery looking! I'm off to look at more of your photographs.


    Miz Carla

  5. good day,dear Cinner!

    I am a newcomer in your Blog, but I was really impressed by your strong nature! Please never give up!

    Every my weekend I try to make interesting and have several methods to avoid depression and discouragemen)) i found that I could have fan days also with people with the same hobbies!

    Glad to meet you)))

  6. I love how you had fun with your snow and all!!! Such a great and Happy attitude!!!

    We are getting our 'last' we think, snowfall today!!! I think the dog will be sad when she can't run through the snow any more for a while. She's a 'southern' dog and loves the snow oh so much! :-)

    Have a Great week!
    Coreen xoxoxo

  7. Sounds to me like you had the perfect weekend! I was in bed with my friend the flu :( OK, the flu is not my friend!!! ;)

  8. Dear Cinner,
    you are a poet for sure! :)
    I do need to catch up with your blog to see what you're up to- I have very limited internet connection at the moment, so I cannot blog as usual!
    Big hugs- you are always in my thoughts! Thank you for always treating me to the sweetest words.
    Monica xo


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