Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sometimes It Is Just Right.

Imagine my surprise when I managed to get both the front and back door
as the truck was going 100 miles per hour.
No I was not driving hubby was,
and there I am snapping pictures for all my might.
We laugh he asks how many pictures of old buildings, fields, hay bales
does one girl need,
as many as one wants I tell him,
he just shakes his head, deep down I know he is happy
just for the minutes of silence when I am the worst back seat driver known to mankind.
Sometimes I am surprised he just does not stop the truck and throw me out,
but I would get a picture of that!
Ahhh now I know the reason why.
Today I feel very content, peaceful, joyful,
grateful and understanding that
nothing is perfect, nor is it supposed to be
This morning I prayed for health and happiness
for everyone that is suffering from an illness, homelessness,
loss of loved ones, hunger. I asked for hope and understanding
during difficult times. I was thankful for everything I have,
Happy that I have eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell,
mind to think,  hands to write and hold, legs and feet to carry me,
heart to love, What a wonderful gift we are all given.
As I am typing this I am listening to Nature Music,
coffee is brewing, pets are sleeping, sun is rising,
My Day Awaits!
May you have your very Best Weekend


  1. Same to you Cinner. Great photo by the way!
    Love Di ♥

  2. nature music, coffee and good pics...what more could i ask...smiles. happy saturday cinner...

  3. Love that you started your day so lovely, including your beautiful attitude....:-)Hugs

  4. Barns and old buildings, camera and coffee!! Sounds like heaven to me!!! Ahhhhh Bliss!!!!!!
    Loving you sweetie!!

  5. i hope you have a beautiful weekend!!

  6. Wishing you a wonderful week, Cinner.
    I enjoyed this post!
    Thank you!

    Margie :)

  7. Hi Cinner-

    "Hallelujah" and a new dawn begins, "hallelujah"
    Loving you


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