Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dear Winter!

Dear Winter,
We welcomed you with open arms,
and laughing hearts,
as the flakes began to fall,
You gave us more snow this year,
than in many years since 1974.
I ask you Dear Winter,
is it not time to go?
Is it now not Springs turn,
to melt the snow,
and underneath the grass shall turn to green,
flowers will bloom,
birds will return,
and in time we will once again long for you!


  1. this is a very gentle suggestion to an uncaring winter. but nicely said.
    (so Canadian, eh?!)

  2. smiles. like a bad house are overstaying your welcome winter...please let spring come for good....smiles.

  3. Yes!! It is definitely time for winter to go....sigh!! I want and need spring in my life right now. I don't mean to be nasty winter...but your time is over!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hugging you Cinner

  4. That was beautiful Cinner...
    you're waving winter goodbye and I'm wishing for the the coolness of Autumn.
    We are having a particularly hot long summer.

    Happy Spring time to you.... when it arrives;-)

  5. Yeah, hit the road, Jack, and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, NO MORE!

  6. you were so nice....i'd say winter, leave now or i'm gonna kick your butt like you did mine....

  7. Yes, I would like to second this request! We are getting yet more snow starting tomorrow evening through Saturday. My plants/flowers in the ground are so confussed I'm not sure they will ever want to peak out of the dirt this year! I wouldn't... 'smiles'

    Praying for Spring to WIN!!

  8. Cindy, hello!!! I'm sending full hands of spring to you!!! Hold on, I know how tiring it can get your place while waiting for the good days, yet the time flies and soon, for sure soon you will feel the warm breeze on your face while taking a walk outside. Sending lots of love!

  9. Now who could turn down that gentle request?!
    Love Di ♥

  10. Hi Cinner
    Hope old man winter leaves soon and beautiful springs will grace you with her beauty!
    I enjoyed your post and thanks for your visit today and the nice comment!

    Margie :)

  11. Yes...I think Beth could give winter a good butt kicking too! I do hope that Spring begins to know the wind out of winter soon. xoxo

  12. I don't know about the longing part, but when it is winter I don't get down I just get tired. This morning we had fresh snow again, white covering everything again, but only about six inches. It is still snowing and supposed to snow a few more days. Keep your spirits up, we will see spring soon.

  13. oh yes, spring is here - i hope she comes to you soon


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