Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring, I will invite you In

I could not Welcome Winter as She Knocked Upon My Door.
Was I  unneighborly by not  inviting her in.
I told her not to come here anymore,
to take her big white snow flakes and howling wind
and leave.
And now I watch through the window,
the snow whirling round,
I watch as it seems to fall faster and faster,
falling quickly to the ground.
There was actually brown grass just yesterday,
and now as I look at the blanket of white,
Yesterday seems so far away.
It seems so odd that this all changed just over night.
When next Spring knocks upon my door.
I  will invite her in and sing her happy praise.
I will be so Neighborly that she will have to stay.
So now I sit and watch the snow with an ear to the door.
Waiting for Spring more than I ever did before.
I can't wait to say Hello.


  1. smiles. spring is here...and it is smoking hot, but i invited her in anyway...smiles. nice verse today

  2. Isn't this snow something else....I have got to the point of it is what it is, it will be gone when it its gone and I am not giving any more energy to it. Your poem is so cute, love it...Hugs

  3. May spring grace you with all her beauty, soon, very soon!
    Cute poem, Cinner.


  4. Love your blog page sis, it is beautiful, this is spring, your page that will have to be our spring for now! love u

  5. Just beautiful Cinner. I also love the quote under your header!!! xo

  6. No snow here...but wind...oh my!! 70 mph!!! Yikes!! Batten down the hatches! Spring is blowing in for sure!!
    Love your page is gorgeous!

  7. A wonderful poem and says exactly how I have been feeling. The sun is out here in Western PA for a change, but the winds are fierce! I believe, I believe, I believe!

  8. Oh, yes! There is no joy like the coming of spring.

  9. fantastic poem - hope you're doing well!! (hugs)

  10. Hello Cinner! What beautiful prose you have shared here. We have so little snow around here and so many hot, hot days, that to prolong winter would be a dream come true. Of course, our winters are pretty mild. So happy you came by for a visit and left a sweet comment. Thank you for the smile! ~ Angela

  11. ah the tango between winter and spring. I enjoyed your poem.
    I woke to a fresh 1 1/2" of snow! Mostly melted now...

  12. welcome spring! the birds around here are busy building exciting.

    hope you are well. thinking of you. one love.

  13. Hi Cinner, thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such lovely comments, i really appreciate it. Your poems are just lovely and today i was woken with snow and wind which continued throughout the day. how i wish for some sunshine and a true spring day ! so sick of the white stuff !
    take care

  14. Wow Cinner your blog is a total knock out! I love it. I'm so glad you are enjoying springtime too! Lovely poems!


  15. Isn't it the pits to think the snow is behind us for this season and have some spring like days only to have it snow again. Happened here and hubby had trouble with his mood because of it. I hope we are all enjoying the outdoor activities really soon.

  16. Crazy spring is here, with sun, rain and cold wind...but it's Spring right ;-)


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