I balance myself walking on the train track,
as I have done many times before.
This track is about a quarter of a mile from the farm yard.
The memory of the train rolling down the track echoing in through the windows
at the house while we are tucked into our beds.
The train whistle now a soothing memory etched into my soul.
Many times as the train would go by I would wave to the conductor,
and the whistle would be tugged and fill the air,
to me almost a miracle,
and as the train flew by I would open my arms, raise my head,
and scream my rage, louder and louder,
after I would feel relief from my secrets.
On this day I walked the track with peace in my heart,
and forgiveness in my soul,
A little ways from the tracks I was reminded of many times
after working in the fields, we would find ourselves here,
and we would take turns trying to get the water to run,
Fresh cool water to quench our thirst and wash our faces,
to cool us from the heat,
Sometimes we would bring our lunch there or meet our Dad for lunch,
Sandwiches, cold pink lemonade, and fresh water.
I am glad I stumbled on to this memory,
one that I had forgotten,
and now one that remains so clearly embedded in my mind.
For just a moment we were all there together.
These are cowslips
abundant in the creek,
many times as children we would pick them
for our mother, always with the encouragement from our Dad,
we would give them to Dad to hold,
and he would pick off some of the flowers and eat them.
we would all squeal and laugh and tell him he can not eat flowers,
and then he would tell us to eat them,
Surprisingly they were quite tasty and would be a delicacy on some salads today.
Luckily the orange flowers were on display for my pleasure,
Reminded of a beautiful site usually of fresh golden rods,
today sat the remnants of last years growth,
soon to be followed my new ones
that would be green and brown velvety heads
that would blow like fluff on windy days.
In these large trees we used to play as children,
the cattle have destroyed where once our playground stood.
There are no branches left or leaves to display,
Soon it will be just a pile of wood.
Though I find this scene pretty, and can smell the earth in the air,
It saddens me to think soon there will be no reminders
of what this used to be,
the scent of peppermint wafted by,
another childhood memory,
for a moment I closed my eyes and cherished that wonderful smell,
And nothing to me is more beautiful than old worn buildings
that once were a bright red, so weather worn and beaten down,
but still standing, whose hands had built these,
that question is unknown,
Check out this barnyard we passed upon the road,
It was barely standing, another story unknown.
On the Prairies the wind blows and blows,
some stories swept away.
People come and go, and come again,
and peaceful they will feel,
No matter where I go or what I do
I will always be a farmers child
and will always remain true
to slower days, loving ways, beauty all about,
the love of the land is something I could never live without.!
May we always find our way to a feel good day.
I hope you have Your Very Best Day Ever
what beautiful memories...beautiful
ReplyDeleteI had a prairie girl childhood too -- thanks for the trip down memory lane! Especially re the CPR and cowslips!
ReplyDeletethese are some great shots and memories beautifully rendered...glad you can walk those tracks in peace now...have alway had tracks near mean and a longing to walk them...
ReplyDeleteWalking the train tracks is a highlight of your visit. The yellow flowers do look good enough to eat, lucky your dad knew they were edible.
ReplyDeleteWonderful post cinner, loved reading about your memories......:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures Cinner! And wonderful memories! Thanks so much for sharing them.
I, too, am a farmer's child....and the memories of a smell...a sound...uhmmmm. Those are forever ones. I love your memories, Cindy.
Such a beautiful post, Cindy...I love your memories...and can almost experience them too! And I grew up in the suburbs...This brings such happy warm feelings! I feel embraced by the warmth of the sunshine...and your words bring everything alive! Thank you for a peaceful journey this evening...it has started my weekend beautifully! Hope yours is every bit as wonderful as this lovely post!!! Love you, Janine XO
ReplyDeleteGlorious memories indeed, Cinner. It's so nostalgic of you to remember memories just by looking at the prairies. I also experience that a lot of times.. looking at a place and then there is a flashback of who or what used to be. The photos are wonderful, even the trees without leaves. Perhaps they all have fallen down together with years. But then look at the trunks still there to tell about the lovely tales you had with them. The train track is beautiful, too.. beautiful like the wonderful person balancing herself on it.
ReplyDeleteThose memories are amazing. Your first picture really reminded me of the film Stand By Me... one of my all time faves :)
ReplyDeleteED, oh that was one of my faves too, the kind of movie you can see over and over again. I certainly would be the kid running trying to get off the tracks. lol. ha I even look like him. lol. take care have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteSashindoubutsu, oh how kind you are, the trees there were about 6oo cattle in the trees, they rub on them and make then smooth, smooth, good scratching posts, but they do make them fall down before their time. take care my friend. your beautiful through and through my friend. have a great weekend.
Janine, as a child I always thought it would be so cool to grow up in a city, now I think I had the best of it, although stories would be different. you take me on many peaceful journeys, and oh I would love to be able to paint like you. you are so talented. I never tell you enough. have a great weekend. the sun is shining here so it should be a nice day.
Jackie a farmers child, we really were blessed, I so wanted to be a city girl. now I am so grateful for where I grew up and got my start. I hope you have a great weekend beautiful one. hugs and much love.
SueAnn, thanks for popping in, we all have great memories. I should have asked everyone to share on. next time. have a wonderful weekend.
Bernie, thank you, the sun is shining, I hope it makes its way to Morinville, take care and hopefully you get a chance soon to get out on your deck.
TechnoBabe, thanks for the post yesterday, I found it very interesting and made me see some things in a new light. have a great weekend. take care. have fun watching the birds, that is where I am off to outside for my morning coffee. be well.
ReplyDeleteBrian, walking the tracks I felt great joy even though it was so windy, I kept getting blown off the rail. But I just kept getting back on. You should do that one day Brian. Every time I hear a train whistle blow I think of home. A few years ago I was at a farmers market and an elderly man had made train whistles out of pieces of blocks. To hear them , well I had to go investigate, I bought one for each of the little boys in our families. They were all so happy to hear the sound, but not as happy as I was to see and hear them play with them.
Debra did you eat the cowslips too. I hope you have a great weekend and that you get a chance to play in the sun. I am off for my morning coffee very soon.. take care.
Char, thanks, I hope you are well. big hugs to you. take care.
What absolutely BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! Being raised in Queens, I'm sure you can picture the kind of train tracks I saw growing up!
ReplyDeleteGlad your sister is feeling better!