Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I See the Moon, The Moon Sees Me....

Hi Everyone, I hope you had a great weekend.
This picture I took on Sunday night.
It was beautiful, I stood outside thinking of all the times
when I was younger that I would make a wish on the moon 
and the stars. Of course I always tried to see the face of the man in the moon.
I  stood outside in a light jacket, and I had to shiver, it was cooler than I thought.
Yet I stood there in awe of this beautiful moon , grateful that I had stuck
my head outside and took a slight walk in the cool brisk evening air.
Funny as I am typing this I remember my Dad showing me 
where the Big Dipper and the little dipper in the sky,
and sitting outside watching the stars.
Lucky to see a falling star and to make a wish on them.
I also remember him out in the field happy for the extra light
that he would have when there was a full moon.
Funny I don't remember doing any of this with my Mom.
She was always too busy, but somehow Dad managed
.I wish I would, I wish I might,
get to see a falling star tonight.
and then if we were out there and did see one we would 
be all giddy and silly. It was always as if somehow he was responsible
for the falling star, as if he would just reach up and pull one down
especially for us.
I am such a nature girl, so grateful for where I grew up,
grateful for every moment and every learning experience I have had.
Just remembered that I would sit and howl at the moon,
occassionally hearing a wolf or coyote in the background.
I really love my life,
simple, peaceful, slow, cherished.
I had a lovely day on Monday. We are supposed to have beautiful
weather for the Easter weekend coming up.
So I am hoping I will be able to get out and enjoy
some yard work.
I have appreciated all the comments I have had,
I am sorry that I have not responded back,
I do think of you all and just wish there were more hours in a day.
When you have Cataplexy/Narcolepsy sometimes your days just get away on you.
Just know life is good, and I appreciate every time you come and visit.
This is my 500th post, so I will be planning a giveaway soon.
This will be my second one.
More details to follow.
Have a wonderful day tomorrow.
Until next time,
Be well,


  1. Glad to hear there's nice weather coming for Easter weekend -- it's overdue!

  2. dont sweat it...i am a nature boy myself...love being out in it...and falling stars for sure...love laying out in the grass and looking for them on clear nights...

  3. Oh Happy 500th post sweet Cinner! I hope we get at least 500 more!
    One of my favorite things about taking my dogs out everynight, even though it pains me so much to walk, is that I get to look up at the stars and the moon. I never tire of it! Love Di ♥

  4. congrats on #500!! that is awesome. and you and i looked at the same moon this weekend. - beautiful shots

  5. Hi CINNER_ it is so beautiful here. I Love that graphic rain image, wow and your pictures of the moon are stunning. And so are you.
    Love Gail


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