Friday, April 8, 2011

Views on Life through My Eyes.

The weather has been fantastic, it is supposed to be plus ten tomorrow.
And the sun is warm, the days are longer.
The only thing that could make me happier is if I ever get a hummingbird in my yard.
The above picture I took at my Dads before he died. We did that for years.
On the farm there was always many more birds than we get in the city.
We would watch the hummingbirds dive at one another
fighting for their sugary water, then they would flit away,
but would be back soon.
A nice memory.
This morning my hubby has picked up his Mom
and they have gone to a funeral for a family friend.
He was 93 years old.
What a wonderful age to achieve.
I am always in awe of someone with such longevity
and often wonder how they have felt with all the changes they have seen in the world.
I am saddened by the shooting of twelve innocent children
shot in Brazil in a school.
I feel so bad when these things happen,
and Have to Ask Why,
and sadly there are no good answers,
it just leaves my heart heavy.
It also reminds me that life is short
and to live the best I can.
As far as American Idol
I am still in shock that Pia got sent home.
They are all so talented, and I think they will all go far with their music.
I have to admit I am a huge fan of James.
I am amazed at what he has overcome.
The emotional side the other night
had brought me to tears.
Well I better get moving, off to have lunch with some family
after they are back from the funeral.
Amongst crowds my Cataplexy acts up so I did not attempt to go.
I just become too tired..
Whatever you do today
I hope you enjoy,
I hope you laugh,
I hope you love.
I hope you dance in your heart.
And if you are like my friend Beth,
I hope you jump as high as you can.
Live your best day.
Until next time.


  1. Dare we believe that Spring has come and is going to stay? Enjoy the sunshine!

  2. Debra, I know we will probably get more snow, but it will is my prayer. have a great weekend.

  3. ok, big reveal here, i am shocked too...haha...yes i watch AI...and so rooting for my aspergers boy...

    it is so sad about those kids...

    hope you have a great weekend...

  4. Brian I just think he is so wonderful. have a great weekend.

  5. you are so sweet...for that, i just might have to do some jumping :)

    i agree....pia should still be there....that was a shocking moment !

    and whaaaaat.....ten above. i think i need to change my perspective on the weather as 50 is still not warm enough for me....

    have a terrific weekend....xo

  6. i like the changes youve brought here ... much lighter feel to it ... maybe more like spring? and i love that cat on the swing! so cute! have a great weekend!

  7. It is heartbreaking about the kids! And shocking! It always shocks me...the violence done to others!!!!! Sigh!!
    I am jumping high this weekend!!
    Have a wonderful one yourself!
    Hugging you

  8. That Beth...she is a Mistress of Jumping. I just jump from thought to thought if I'm lucky.

    Pia? Beyond shocking! And odd...just odd.

    You? You make me remember to be joyful.....for that I love you!

  9. i guess i have to be the one in the anti-Pia crowd. i think she got booted because i'm not fond of her style of music - i'm not a fan of celine dion, mariah carey or the other diva-like singers. i can admire their talents - Pia is very talented - but it's not a record i would buy. i would buy james or scotty's album.


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