Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mothers Day...and a Laugh.

I guess no matter what one is always a mothers baby,
even at 47, I still need my Mommy.
I never called her Mommy, it was always Mom.
Since my Dad died May 30 of  2009,
my Mom and I have become very close.
I call her everyday, usually in the evening to say good night.
Last night she was exhausted, the basement had flooded back home
and she was busy dealing with that.
Ass soon as I heard her voice, I knew she was tired from her day.
somehow her mood turned around and we laughed and laughed.
I told her I knew where I got my strange sense of humor.
Odd that it took so many years to see this part of my Mom.
She was always taking care of my Dad, on a schedule,
busy with the farm, raising four children.
But now she has time for herself.
When we lost my Dad,
I told myself that nothing would ever be left unsaid between my Mother and I.
When my Dad passed away, it was so sudden, it was just poof and he was gone.
I am lucky that I consider my Mom a friend, I respect her, I admire her strength,
I laugh with her, cry with her, hold her hand,  help her and love her.
Only once I realized that she never had to be perfect,
as I guess somehow as children we assume they should just know everything.
So not necessary and so unfair,
life lessons have taught me to cherish her.
Mom I love you !
even when we have our crazy conversations.
Last night.
My Mom has been having car trouble with her new Dodge Journey,
something to do with the power steering and having it repaired
4 times over the winter, once it was - 38 below.
When she bought the new car we all felt good about her safety when she was driving,
Needless to say she is starting to feel like she has been sold a lemon,
and we are working on getting the situation rectified...
Last night she says to me, after her warranty is up that they will have
to just keep fixing it for her....I said no Mom once your warranty is done
I am worried you will have to pay for it if it keeps happening.
No, No she says I heard today.
I said From Whom Mom,
are you ready for this
from my hairdresser,
I say Mom you just complained about her making your hair fuzzy last time she permed your hair,
I said I don't think she knows about your car warranty.
So now she was laughing.
She says okay I guess your right.
I say if the car is still giving you problems we will get things in writing etc,
I said we are not going in to say well my hairdresser said.......
I thought she was going to die laughing.
Then she says she has to go in to work and have her blood taken,
I said Mom if you show up to work to have your blood taken,
I need to remind you you don't have a job,
still laughing she says I meant the hospital.
keep in mind she is exhausted from pumping water off the floor from the basement.
I said well if you tell them your there for work, they might just
put you in a room for a while, and you will get plenty of rest.
So the silly conversation continues,
I finally said Mom your exhausted and you need to go to bed immediately,
She was so overtired, a ten hour drive away from me,
and all I could do was to tell her to go to bed.
After I hung up the phone I continued laughing 
because she really was funny,
one of those things where you just have to be there.
So I hope she makes it to the hospital to have her blood test,
stays away from the car dealership, and does not take
any advice from her hairdresser.
She told me she would call me once she got back home.
If I don't hear from her, maybe I will assume she is at work.
my wish is that you enjoy your Mom as much as I do mine,
I also am sending prayers to anyone whom has lost their Mom.
No matter how much time passes it is always painful.
Cherish your memories,
I know since my Dad has died,
I remember the strangest things,
I feel his spirit all around,
and love just continually keeps growing.
I hope you have a great day
and a Very Happy Weekend.


  1. Sounds like you and your Mom have a wonderful, loving relationship! I hope her basement is dry soon.

  2. You have a precious friendship with your Mom....just as Holly and I do. That is such a blessing! I love silly conversations!
    Have a blessed weekend!

  3. big smiles. love those moments for you and your mom...the hairdresser...ha...sweet and tender...glad you have such a good relationship

  4. My mom is gentle and caring and funny too!! She is the best and we talk often. We live far away from each other but I feel we are as close as ever. Even closer since dad died and that was 25 years ago!!! Unbelievable!! It is hard to imagine that it has been that long ago.
    Love to you, your mom and mine!!

  5. enjoy each other .. such a gift ~ happy day to you both

  6. i think you and your mom are two peas in a pod !!
    that's a very good thing you know :)
    you're lucky to have each other......

  7. Dear sister, what a beautiful post!! You know i wish you a Happy mothers day you have always been there for me and my boys, always encouraging, always supportive, I love you very much. We are all lucky to have you!!

  8. Glad to hear you enjoy laughter and love with your mom on mommys day. Ugh on that lemon vehicle; dig your heels in deep and see that it gets fixed right. Be relentless, and have fun making the service people laugh too, i've noticed that if I can get people who are helping me to laugh, they do a better job of it.


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